Monday, November 29, 2010

Im going to have my licence !

ouh yes im going to have it.

for sure

for real :)

dup dap dup dap.

cant wait till this tuesday.mum says that it all start in that day.

that day will be a boring day sebab kene dengar talk tu dari pagy sampai petang. ouh god.. lame nyew. tapi tak kisah.

all matter is


im super duper excited..thank you dady :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

start to workout bebeh !

new mission fer sem break :
GO ! GO ! GO !

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

work work work

sabtu ahad and sem break is the time for me work..sound hard isnt it ?but ni la yang atie buat.sebelum ni decide nak keje because of sem break, tapi ni dah meleret2 sampai ke hari belajar..konon nak buzy kan time fer love.. last2 terpaut jugak huu but now da seronok, income pon lebih, shopping and enjoy pon boleh lebih :)eventhough penat, tapi best plus I improve my English and Chinese language skills kat sini la.

dengan diorang atie banyak belajar.. thanx babe :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

trippin :)

destinations : kuantan - gambang - rantau abang - terengganu - kuantan - mersing - jb :)

ouh gosh. its like a dream to have a family vacation. go somewhere far from JB and rilex..enjoying the view. too bad my dearest MUZ cant join because he's study in damly strict MATRIX.

 and if he does it would be a miracle coz he rarely wanna join us in any vacation. maybe sebab he think dat he da besar kot. maybe all lelaki does ?

 hmm lame betul tak dengar khabar dye. im wonder is he ok or not. cause he didnt reply any message from family. weird isnt it? dats my brother..kitorang jalan2 dari hari khamis until hari ni isnin nonstop. ouh SUPER EXHAUSTED! pergi macam2 tempat..

first day tu for sure la habiskan mase tok perjalanan je kan cause bukan dekat JB- KUANTAN.

sampai2 je pekene cendol Hameed dulu :) sampai terangkat rambot makan cendol huu,then cari tempat tidoq (the most important thing ) and then lepak di teluk chempedak untuk online.

best... the bestest part ever is GAMBANG or mymum call GAMPANG :) haha.. tempat tu takdelah besar A FAMOSA tapi worth it la dengan harga entrance dye. my favourite part is RACER pe bnde la name dye. 

MY GOD its killing me! tapi memang best im telling u. first naik macam nak gugor jantong rasernye. die punye laju memang boleh pegy la kan. tak crita lagy dye punye darjah kecerunan dye. memang GILE KENTANG! loveit.. sekali naik memang tak puas.

Next day, we went to TERENGGANU. ok jugak. singgah pantai Kemasik, Rantau abang, pasar payang and rase variety type of food.

 tapi most of them tak sedap and lambat. ade yang sampai kitorang makan then tak minum air because of nasi dah habis ni tapi air tak sampai2 lagy. Its never ever ever happen in my life before oke. sangat2 anoyying kan.. ?

The last but not least, hari ahad :) ingatkan dah nak balik JB. selepas dipujuk rayu oleh anak2 tercinta, mydad sewa chalet for one nite kat mersing hahaha..

 kesian abah dapat anak yang nakal. Ade yang ofer nak blanja itu ini, last2 diam huuuu... merase la mandi laut after more than half a year jugak tak jumpe laut. sebab ape? sebab takot berbelang. tapi, dah alang2 berbelang mari la menambah lagy kan? :)

 yang best kali ni is dat asal behenti je makan, asal berhenti je makan. memang tade keje lain. memang enjoy sangat la

perasan baju aku sume merah kan? hahaha bile upload gamba baru aku prasan :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

bye UNKL and hello sem break :)

pejam celik pejam celik dah habis sem.ceepat giler.

bye bye SRI INTAN
bye bye UNIKLbye bye MASAI
bye bye AZ.. next 2hb kite jumpa ya sayang ? sob sob :(

teringat dekat ein yang makin lame makin lambat pickup or kate ringkas lampy ni, aku pon tak faham kenape.qila yang ermm aaa kuat touching? (suits u for a while kot ) 

and sape makhluk lagy sekor ni?? (pikir lamelame)yyeees eqa makcik cinderelot yang banyak sangat cerita . ade lagy 2 actually. should i mention? tapayah la, ade ke takde ke same je an ? sorry u guys :)

today is my last day at rumah sewa. only God noes myhearts feels like.sedih gile coz next sem dah tade lagy rumah sewa and maybe banyak concentrate blaja. (bak kate ein )tiade lagy Sri intan.tempat untuk berseronok mak cakap. "asal nak berseronok je kau balik sane kenape? dah tak seronok dekat rumah ke?" tambah dye lagy haha.tiade lagy ketawa,ngumpatan, dan aktiviti2 berfaedah seperti berkaraoke untuk beberape bulan ni.( bertaubat sekejap)ouh dear.banyak sangat kenangan dkat sana. yang penting rindu sangat la!

and and takk lupe juga ucapan saya kepada abang bangla pendek pas ni kau dah tak jumpe aku dah. soo tapayah nak buang tenage tok bukak tutop pintu aku huh !lupe nak snap pict abang bangla tu.

hujan lebaat sangat tadi. risau tentang orang2 yg balik segamat tu...

Monday, November 8, 2010

my dear MR final ",

ouh dear desk why u soo kecik final is just around the corner and me still sitting with my black shinning lappy like there's nothing to worry about..ouh dear bile mood blajar ni mau sampai ?I hope burn the mid nite oil still works HAHA

time table

9 NOV 2010

10 OV 2010
Egieering Science

15 NOV 2010
Basic Material Sciece

Saturday, November 6, 2010

family trip :)

such a long time tak hang out with my family.

I miss the time we having vacations before.
dulu selalu, skang semua dah besar. Its very rare to have like all sitting together.
kali ni pon pusing2 pontian with abah ofcoz mummy and taja.
singgah Tg. Piai :)
eventhough tmepat dye very very damn unattractive tapi a time with them is more valueable.

c bulat yang always cover macho :) sibuk nak amek pict letak FB hiissh
addicted with camera :) I LOVE YOU GUYS :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

2 NOV 2010

huuu it was a big day for me and mydearest .Its our second MONTH anniversary. I didnt expect we were going for a trip to kota tinggi a week before final.HAHAHA plus without saying anything to mymum. if any unwanted happens, it would be a big trouble fer was all unplan :)

thanx to all that join . I'll very appreciate it.
Those who join :)

me and ofcoz my superduper love :)

and not to forget :
our anniversarry cake :) It was actually suprise for encik AZ.
just wanna let him noe dat how deep my love is..

i will miss dis day surely.